Welcome here!

I’m glad you’ve stopped by.

The Word FulfilledChances are you’re here looking for professional information. Here’s the nutshell version. I serve as Executive Minister for Mennonite Church Manitoba. I’ve got a Ph.D. in Theology (Biblical Studies). I’ve pastored in two churches and taught in a few academic contexts. I’ve been known to write books, and I’ve got a new one coming out this November called, The Word Fulfilled: Reading the Bible with Jesus. I occasionally blog and sometimes preach. I also write a bit of fiction and poetry on the side and do some music along the way. An all-around dilettante, in other words.

Please check out my blog while you’re here, especially if you’re interested in things like following Jesus and reading the Bible. I’ve collected some of the most-read posts with a few of my personal favourites on my blog highlights page. You can follow me on Threads or on TwiX if you’re curious about my random thoughts launched into the void. If you want to contact me you can do so here.

Peace to you on your journey,